Title 1 Resources
Translation Support
- YouTube: http://tinyurl.com/yd7x6z4k
- Website: http://tinyurl.com/2s3hmtzm
- RCS Parent Resources: RCS ESL - Parents (google.com)
- ESL Center: 615-893-5815 extention 22093
DYE School-Student-Family Compact (2024-2025)
What is a Compact?
A compact is an agreement that parents, families, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents, families, students, and teachers will work together and what their responsibilities are to make sure all students are achieving academic success.
Jointly Developed
The parents, families, students, and teachers of David Youree Elementary School developed this compact. Teachers suggested home learning strategies, while parents and families added ideas to make them more specific and students told us what would help them learn. Meetings and events are held each year to review the compact and make changes if necessary and approve the compact.
Keeping Parents Informed
The law requires schools and districts to keep Title I parents informed about their school’s improvement status, details on whether teachers meet state certification and licensure requirements and details about any interventions provided. Every Title I school must also provide parents with the following information: a description and explanation of the school’s curriculum, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
Building Partnerships
August – Title I Annual Meeting & Classroom Meetings – Please join us as we share Title I information, what it means to be a Title I School, and classroom specific information. Also join us for additional parent trainings that are offered virtually or in person throughout the school year. This will give you specific strategies to help your child in the areas of reading and math. Please be on the lookout for more information.
Communication About Student Learning
David Youree is committed to frequent two-way communication with parents and families about students learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach out to you are:
- Class Dojo
- School Website
- Classroom Newsletters
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Do you have questions about your student’s progress? Contact your student’s teacher by phone (615-904-6775), Class Dojo, or email to request a conference.
Goals for Student Achievement
District Goals: Rutherford County will increase ELA and Math Achievement. RCS will demonstrate expected or above average growth in ELA and Math.
School Goals: DYE will demonstrate expected or above average growth in ELA and Math.
DYE Will...
- Develop assignments that allow parent participation, as well as provide parents and families with feedback or input.
- Conduct ELA or math training virtually and/or in-person for parents and families to learn strategies to help their students increase their achievement.
- Offer virtual and in-person family ELA or math nights to provide parents, families and students with opportunities to experience together real-world problem-solving skills.
- Post resources such as educational website, videos, etc. for parents and families to access that will provide tutorials for standards and skills.
Families will...
- Help with my student’s academic success by establishing a time and a place to support learning at home.
- Attend parent workshops, virtually or in person, for ELA and/or math to learn what my student is being taught in class.
- Review my student’s classwork on solving real world problems to ensure understanding.
- Visit teacher and school-recommended resources and websites to learn new ELA or math strategies to use with my student.
Students will...
- Complete assignments with my parents or family; mark ELA questions and math problems that I do not understand; and seek help from my teacher.
- Work with my teacher to receive extra assistance with ELA questions and math problems that I need help with.
- Use the websites and resources my teacher shares with me to complete ELA and math practice and activities.
- Read every night for at least 20 minutes.
DYE Family Engagement Policy (2024-2025)
David Youree Elementary School Parent and Family Engagement Policy
School Mission Statement: DYE challenges ALL students to soar beyond academic standards while becoming responsible, respectful and productive citizens.
- Engage parents/families in developing a family engagement policy and make parents/families aware of their right to be involved in their children’s education.
- Host annual Title I meetings.
- Dedicate at least one percent of Title I funds for family engagement, with parents/families involved in deciding the best use of these funds.
- Develop a compact that outlines shared responsibilities for student achievement for parents/families, students and staff.
- Build parent/family capacity by explaining state academic standards and showing how parents/families can support learning at home.
- Provide take-home educational materials.
- Provide materials in a language parents/families can understand, to the extent practicable.
Parent/School Communication (regular, effective communication)
- Providing activities and communications such as, but not limited to: newsletters, informational meetings, surveys, conferences, and websites.
- Respond to parent/family communications in a timely manner.
- Provide each parent/family with a copy of the district and school Parent/Family Engagement Policy.
- Include parents/families in committees for planning and evaluating the program and parent engagement.
- Hold an Annual Title I Meeting at a convenient time in which all parents/families are invited to attend to be informed of the school receiving Title I funds, requirements for funds, and parents/families right to be involved.
- Submit parent/family comments on the schoolwide program when the school makes the plan available to the school district.
Partnership School/Home (Sharing Power, Welcoming all families into the school community)
- Hold parent-teacher conferences at least twice each school year and as needed.
- Provide opportunities for parents/families to volunteer for school activities.
- Maintain two-way communication opportunities, such as Class Dojo, calls, notes, emails, or visits when needed.
- Provide programs and learning activities that involve parent/family participation at home.
- Give parents/families an opportunity to review and improve the parent/family engagement policy, compact, and school improvement plan.
Positive Parent and Family Engagement (Speaking up for every child, supporting student success)
- Assist parents/families with information and needs by coordinating with other community programs and agencies when possible.
- Inform parents/families concerning their child’s progress.
- Provide an explanation of curriculum and achievement levels the school/district uses, assessments, and state academic standards through meetings, newsletters, etc.
- Regular meetings with parents/families to participate in decisions relating to the education of their student.
- Help parents/families with strategies to work with their children and foster learning in daily opportunities by providing parents/families with training sessions, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters etc.
- Provide on-going, flexible number of parent/family engagement activities, training and classes that accommodate varying schedules.
- Conduct staff development that promotes parent/family engagement, building positive relationships with parents/families and learning strategies.
Ensuring Full Participation (Collaborating with community)
- This school will strive for full engagement of all parents/families by reaching out and addressing barriers with the following:
- Contacting parents/families unable to visit school.
- Coordinate with ELL to meet the needs of parents whose native language may not be English.
- Coordinate with other agencies or organizations to refer parents with handicaps or special concerns.
- Continually striving to provide an inviting and safe atmosphere for all parents.
- Communicate in simple and understandable language.
- Recognize volunteers when appropriate and possible.
- Make the parent/family engagement policy available to the local community.
District Parent Newsletter